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Here are a few nice things our nice clients have said about us.

"Your Senior Project Manager spent many long and arduous hours analyzing historical data to develop a comprehensible three year financial plan as a basis for us to utilize for decision making and benchmarking in the future.  He also set up cash flow, production indicators, break even and margin matrix to track weekly activities.  He recommended and implemented cost cutting measures and redefined the entire accounting system to enable us to extract costs and accurately report monthly activities. I have an MBA and fully understand the necessity for these tools but it was impossible for me to devote the time and resources needed when my time was always demanded for daily operations (crises).  We would recommend this analysis to any business desiring accurate reporting and profit oriented management tools."

- Building Contractor, Prescott, AZ Area




Henderson Associates' personnel devoted their time working with our  employees as well as my brother and I to build a team that would install control of spending and overtime as well as focus everyone on building a better company and not just collecting a paycheck. The team that was built by these men and the development of the budgets will be tools used for our growth for many years in the future. 


I would highly recommend Henderson Associates to any company wishing to improve their company as a whole. This being said, I have to say that I would not recommend them to our competition. Why lose our edge?"

- Oilfield Service Company, Beaumont, TX Area





Prior to Henderson Associates' arrival, my company was experiencing what would be described as explosive growth. During the past six weeks they have designed multiple new programs to meet the demands of such growth. These new programs include more productive office accounting practices and software. Also, business plans which will increase our time management skills through more effective delegation of authority. During their last couple of weeks with our company they have overseen the implementation of these new programs. Since that implementation, I have seen changes in the productivity of our field personnel and the increase of receiving faster and more efficient information on a job-by-job and daily basis.


We truly feel that we now have a good handle on our productivity and efficiency to run our company more effectively. We are very grateful for the work, time and patience that Henderson Associates has put into the changes of our company profile, management and employee production."

- Paving Contractor, Buffalo, NY Area




I cannot say enough about the work ethics of Henderson Associates' professionals. They really jumped in and got their hands around the business. We have a lot of employees and it took some time to get this done, but they stayed focused and got the job done. They really helped me and others start thinking outside of the box. They have really helped me see what my education is for and how I can best put it to use. They have given our company the materials and the instructions to do the job."

- Electrical Contractor, Little Rock, AR Area






"Your consultant is a true professional and an expert in the work he performs for your company. He has opened my eyes to a whole new way of operating and managing our business. With the Strategic Business Plan he has designed our business will be able to function efficiently and effectively and grow to meet our expectations. I highly recommend your services to any small business that wants to take control of the destiny of their company."

- Trucking Company, St. Joseph, Mo Area





We knew we were unorganized, but did not know just how much we were jeopardizing the very survival of the company by not having the proper understanding of the integral operations of the business.  By not having a business plan, financial plan, work standards, job descriptions, measurement devices, accountability standards and other necessary business tools, we were operating our business on a day-by-day basis without any goals or objectives.


I am happy to say that with the help of Henderson Associates, we now have a clear and solid understanding of our business strengths and weaknesses, areas that need to be addressed regarding work accountability standards, implementing new policies that will, I feel, allow me to better manage my business in a more professional and profitable manner.

- Industrial Pump Sales and Service Company, Chicago, IL Area





I want to say thank you. It has been a three week college education that I should have had to begin with. I now understand my business with all of the info to back it up. From the initial analysis to the three year projection of our business plans and goals I feel confident in our future now. We now have a direction and a chance to grow in profits and in size with a plan and system that will allow us to measure, forecast and manage our actions.  Working with Henderson Associates has been one of the most eye-opening experiences that a business owner will ever encounter. Their attention to detail and the knowledge of overall

business operations has and will continue to be a tremendous asset to my company as we move forward."

- Commercial Building Contractor, Grand Rapids, MI Area





Our 27 year old electrical contracting firm has never used an outside consultant. We are currently in an ownership transition period, taking the firm into the family's second generation. The time was right to have Henderson Associates take a look.


We learned many things about our business. Some of which are : A formal business structure makes all members of the team accountable. Accurately forecasting profit and growth is a reality we thought impossible. Being able to measure yourself and your employees is a valuable and necessary tool. We were also encouraged in continuing some of our current successful practices.


We feel Henderson Associates has initiated a positive change in us. We now look at ourselves as a true "Big Business" rather than the "Mom and Pop" company we once were.

- Electrical Contractor, Madison, WI Area





The Project Manager performed a thorough analysis of our situation,concerned himself with our various and particular needs and concentrated on those needs, individually and as a total business. He was quick and responsive, remained diligent with the task at hand; was personable, enjoyable, staying professional at all times. His presentations were straight to the point, educational and brought us into action on each of our duties. He was conscious of our follow through on pertinent items, giving us added help as to our understanding of

procedures. Management forms were explained and we were able to comprehend the concept. He worked hard and long to accomplish his task.


We have felt the need for one such system and results are already becoming evident in our scheduling and planning areas.

- Custom Home Builder, Salt Lake City, UT Area





Without our realizing it we had doubled our sales and our workforce in a two year period and had doubled again the third year.  We found ourselves “band-aiding” employee and other problems and putting out fires as they sparked.  We were no longer a small family owned operation.  We have spent the past six months forming and implementing skills that we seek.  Every procedure has a value within itself and has value relating to the other procedures as well.  We have found Henderson Associates to be knowledgeable, professional, patient and dedicated to our project as if it were his own.  We greatly appreciate the knowledge they have brought into our company and have enjoyed working with them.

- Oilfield Construction Contractor, Artesia, NM area



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